That is something , which is must to know but rarely known by
Learning to use a Fire Extinguisher. This
might save your life someday.
Remember the PASS word (Pull - Aim - Squeeze - Sweep)
Remember the PASS word (Pull - Aim - Squeeze - Sweep)
Pull the pin in the handle. This will also break the tamper
Aim the nozzle (or its hose) at the base of the fire. (Don't
touch the plastic discharge hose on CO2 extinguishers, it gets very cold and
may damage skin)
Squeeze the lever (operating handle) slowly. This discharges the
extinguishing agent.
Sweep from side to side till you completely extinguish the fire.
If the fire re-ignites, repeat step 2 to 4.
Yup! That's it. Now you know how to operate a fire extinguisher.
Word of Caution:
Don't attempt to extinguish any fire if there is a threat to
your safety. If the fire is small and you know how to use a fire extinguisher,
you can attempt to extinguish the fire. Fires can increase in size
and intensity in seconds, blocking the exit path as well as create a hazardous
Before attempting to extinguish a fire, activate the fire alarm
Know what kind of fire you're dealing with. If you use the wrong
type of extinguisher, you might make the problem worse. If you're not
sure, let the fire department handle it.
Make sure the extinguisher is in good condition and periodically
Face the fire in the direction of wind. Aim the extinguisher so
the extinguishing agent travels in the direction of the wind, away from the
Other than the type mentioned above, there are few extinguishers
(see image) which can be operated by rotating the knob in the anticlockwise
direction (just like opening a water tap).